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There is hope - because of people like you.


Please help us keep these boxes free for those in need.
We run purely on donations -- any amount is greatly appreciated and helps us put a little more love and support into the world.

We continue only through the goodness and generosity of our messengers and members of our community.

Each box costs $25 to create (domestic shipping included).
But the difference it makes is priceless.

Help us create a box today?

Cover a box for someone struggling?

don't see a button?
click here.


Part of an organization?
Contact us for bulk orders.


Other ways to get involved: 

North Stars
Join a group of incredibly generous donors committed to continuing Find Your Anchor’s impact by supporting us with your gift of $1,000 or more.

Employer Match
Some companies double (or even triple) employee’s contributions, as well as gifts of retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, and outside directors. What a great way to benefit Find Your Anchor! Please contact your HR department to determine if your employer participates.

Other Planned Gifts
When you make a gift to Find Your Anchor through your will, trust, IRA or other plan, you are helping to ensure that Find Your Anchor reaches thousands of people struggling. Please contact us for more information.

Find Your Anchor

︎ -- hello@findyouranchor.us
︎ -- @findyouranchorbox

Find Your Anchor is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit
organization located in Chicago + Southern California.
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